60. English Stress/62. Biz English

Financial Vocaburaries - Stock and Shares 2

학이시습지야 2015. 7. 29. 22:01

1. to trade at : Each stock trades at a specific price, which is what you pay to buy each share. A stock will trade at different prices depending on supply and demand.

  Ex] Sutter Gold is currently trading at $130 per share, but that price is expected to drop.


2. to close at : Stock prices continually change, but at the end of the trading day they close at a specific price. Closing prices are often used to trade how a stock changes over time.

  Ex] Gator Industries share price climbed from $9 to $13 by noon but eventually closed at $11.


3. Bid : A bid is an offer made by an investor or a broker to by shares.

  Ex] I called my brokerage to place a bid for $1,000 shares of Apple at $156.


4. short selling : Short selling is when an investor tries to make money on a stock that he thinks will go down. To do this, he borrows shares, sells them, and then buys them back at the lower price.

  Ex] shorting selling is a risky strategy because if a stock price actually rises, the investor might loose money.


5. frash trading : Using very fast computers to analyse stock trades and automatically sell or buy stocks based on very small fluctuations in the price. [단타매매]


6. Bear market : A bear market is a general decrease in stock prices over more than two months. Bear markets happen because investors lose confidence, become nervous, and sell stocks. [약세장]

  Ex] Many analysts are saying that the recent downturn may signal a coming bear market.


7. Bull market : In a bull market, stock prices are rising, which indicates a strong economy. Bull markets come with investor confidence and increased buying activity [강세장]

  Ex] My financial advisor has warned me that the bull market will end soon to be cautious. 


8. Blue chip : Considered a safe investment, a blue chip stock is the stock of a large & stable company. Popular American blue chip companies include McDonald's, Walmart and Coca Cola.

