60. English Stress/64. English Eye

Inter-Korean talks - The two sides need to be more flexible : 남북한 모두 좀 더 유연해질 필요가 있다.

학이시습지야 2015. 11. 23. 10:17

  South and North Korea will hold a working-level meeting on Nov. 26 to prepare for high-level government talks. The two sides need to sit at the negotiating table with common sense and an open mind to arrange the proposed government-level talks at an early date.
  The Thursday talks are a follow-up to the landmark Aug. 25 inter-Korean deal, which was concluded to end a military standoff over the North’s land mine attack in early August. Two South Korean soldiers were maimed by the incident that took place near the border.

 1. standoff : 서먹한, 냉담한, 교착상태인

 2. land mine attack : 지뢰공격

 3. maimed : 신체장애가 된, 불구가 된

  The deal has set the stage for the two Koreas to exert joint efforts toward thawing the frozen Seoul-Pyongyang ties. For instance, the two sides arranged late last month reunions of families separated by the Korean War. To strengthen the newfound momentum for reconciliation, the two Koreas need to hold government-level talks at an early date. At the Thursday talks, the two sides are expected to discuss the timing, venue and agenda of the planned high-level government dialogue.
  As for the timing, the two sides are advised to start talks within this year in light of their political schedules early next year. The South will hold general elections in April, while in the North a congress of the Workers’ Party is slated for May.

 1. exert [ɪg|z3:rt] : (권력, 영향력을) 행사하다. 있는 힘껏 노력하다.

 2. thaw[θɔ:] : 날씨가 풀리다. 해동하다.  n. thawing : 해동, 해빙

 3. reunions of families separated  : 이산가족 상봉

 4. reconciliation : 화해, 조정, 고백,   cf. rite of reconciliation : 고해성사

 5. venue : (콘서트・스포츠 경기・회담 등의) 장소

 6. slated for : ~ 하기로 예정되다.

  Regarding the agenda for the high-level talks, the North is expected to raise the issue of resuming the stalled Mount Geumgangsan tour program. It could also call on the South to lift the economic sanctions imposed on May 24, 2010, following the North’s destruction of a South Korean Navy vessel. On the part of the South, the most pressing issue is holding family reunions on a regular basis and allowing separated families to exchange letters.
  The two sides need to discuss these and other issues with flexibility at the government-level meeting to provide a breakthrough in bilateral relations.

 1. sanctions : 제재,  cf. economic ~ : 경제 제재

  one important matter that needs to be discussed at the working-level talks is who will represent the two sides at the high-level dialogue. This is not a serious issue in nature if the two sides discuss it with common sense. But the North’s lack of common sense scuttled the proposed inter-Korean high-level talks in June 2013. At the time, the North insisted that the South’s chief negotiator be a minister-level official, while it appointed a vice minister-level official to lead its delegation. The North should come to the negotiating table with this kind of nonsensical attitude left behind if it is really serious about holding government-level talks.

 1. scuttled : 무산되다. 종종걸음을 가다. 허둥지둥대다
