60. English Stress/64. English Eye

Presidential veto - 대통령의 거부권

학이시습지야 2015. 8. 7. 08:33

  The National Assembly on Monday sent the National Assembly Law revision bill to President Park GH after making a change mediated by National Assembly Speaker Chung UH. When the parliment passed the bill, which allows the legislative body to "demand" changes to government ordinances, Park said in no uncertain terms that she would veto the bill if it ever came to her. Citing the potential to wreak havoc in government and its unconstitutionability - Park insist that the revision would result in the legislative branch encroaching on the executive branch in breach of the principle of separation of power - Park has continued to resist the bill since it was passed at the end of May, along with the much sought-after civil service pension reform bill.

  The compromise bill brokered by Chung replaces the word "demand" with "request". The revised wording says the parliment could "request" a revision of government ordinances, instead of "demand" revisions. The word "request" removes any question of the constitutionality of the National Assembly Law bill, according to Chung. Park has until June 30 to deliberate on the issue, either signing it into law or exercising her presidential veto and sending it back to the National Assembly for reconsiderarion. The bill is in her court. A Blue House official speaking with reporters said that there was only a change of one single word in the compromise bill and, based on that, there is no change in Cheong WaDae's position. It seems that Park is still adamant that the bill is unconstitutional


1) mediate : (해결책을 찾기위해) 중재하다, 조정하다. (중재/조정을 통해 협상등을) 타결을 보다.

2) ordinance : 법령, 조례 = legislation

3)  in no uncertain terms : 분명한 어조로

4) cite : (이유, 예를)들다. 인용하다.   cf. You always need to cite your sources. No exception! 

5) havoc : 대파괴, 큰 혼란    cf. Viruses wreak havoc in other way as well

6) unconstitutionability : 위헌

7) encroach : (남의 시간, 권리, 생활을) 침해하다. 잠식하다.

8) the legislative branch 입법부 vs. the executive branch 행정부 vs. the principle of separation of power 삼권분립

9) sought-after : 인기있는, 수요가 많은

10) civil service pension : 공무원 연금.

11) deliberate : 신중히게 생각하다, 숙고하다. 고의적인,의도된

12) adamant[|ӕdəmənt]: 단호한, 요지부동의
