60. English Stress/64. English Eye

Warnings about Energy Drinks - 에너지 드링크의 위험성

학이시습지야 2015. 10. 4. 22:57

  With Americans chugging energy drinks like never before, fears are growing among doctors that the ingredients might be putting some consumers at risk. The beverages contain a hodgepodge of caffeine, sugar and dietary supplements such as vitamins and herbal extracts, whose effects aren't well understood.


  In a new report out Monday, Florida pediatricians describe cases of seizures, delusions, heart problems and kidney or liver damage in people who had downed one or more non-alcoholic energy drinks. "Across the world there are signs that for some people who consume these drinks, there are side effects,"said one of them. " The incidence is low, but certain groups may be at higher risk," he added. The report calls for regulatory action and more research.


  U.S. sales of non-alcoholic energy drinks are expected to hit $9 billion this year, with children and young adults accounting for half the market. Becasue the beverages are classified as nutritional supplements, they have received mush less scrutiny and are under fewer restrictions than both foods and drugs. Manufacturrers claim their products will enhance both mental and physical performance. For instnace, a energy drink company says in its website that energy drink will increase concentration and reaction speed.



1. chug : (엔진이) 통통소리를 내다. cf. The boat chugged down the river. (속어) chug-a-lug : 단숨에 들이키다.   

2. like never before : 과거 어느 때 보다 더 

3. put A at risk : A를 위험에 빠뜨리다.

4. beverages : 기호식품

5. hodgepodge : 뒤범벅, 뒤죽박죽, 잡동사니

6. seizure : (of a ~) 압수/몰수물. (무력을 이용한) 장악, 점령. (병의) 발작.

7. delusion : 망상, 착각, 오해

8. incidence : ~ of sth (주로 단수로 격식) (사건 등의) 발생 정도[영향 범위]

9. accounting for : ~의 이유가 되다. ~을 해명하다. (부분, 비율을) 차지하다.

10. scrutiny : (격식) 정밀 조사, 철저한 검토

